Forward / Lease
Ref | Source | Price / ML | |
17613 | 1,297 ML | LEASE - Murrumbidgee Valley - General Security | $100/ML |
17687 | 300ML | LEASE - Murrumbidgee Irrigation - High Security - 3 Years, Starting July 2025 | $260/ML |
17638 | 1,250 ML | LEASE - Murrumbidgee Valley - High Security | $350/ML |
17632 | 650 ML | LEASE - Coleambally Irrigation - High Security - 3-5 Years | Offers |
17611 | 1,000 ML | LEASE - Murrumbidgee Valley - General Security | $140/ML |
17613 | 1,297 ML | LEASE - Murrumbidgee Valley - General Security | $100/ML |
17610 | 1,000 ML | LEASE - NSW Murray Zone 10 | $112/ML |
--- | --- | --- | --- |
17626 | 500 ML | FORWARD - Lower Murrumbidgee Groundwater Zone 3 | $80/ML |
17625 | 500 ML | FORWARD - Lower Murray Groundwater | $80/ML |
17624 | 1,000 ML | FORWARD - Lower Lachlan Groundwarer | $80/ML |
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