Allocation Determinations

2023-2024 Allocations by Water Source

Water Source - ZoneHigh Security / High ReliabilityGeneral Security / Low Reliability
Murrumbidgee Valley95%33%
Lower Murrumbidgee Groundwater100%
NSW Murray97%44%
Lachlan Valley100%6%
Lachlan Fold Belt MDB Groundwater100%
Lower Lachlan Groundwater100%
Upper Lachlan Groundwater100%
Lower Murray Groundwater100%
Victoria - Broken8%0%
Victoria - Goulburn92%0%
Victoria - Loddon92%0%
Victoria - Murray76%
Victoria - Ovens
Full copies New South Wales and Victorian Allocation Annoucencements are available via the links below:
NSW Allocation StatementsVictorian Seasonal Determinations 

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